It's nice that it's the time of year when things are still green. Though the Central Valley was very dusty in sections, with signs villifying Congress for artificially creating the second Dust Bowl and sacrificing so many people's livelihoods in order to save some piddly fish.
Jason's party was a lot of fun. Dinner was pizza and we've wisely gone the extreme non-environmentally-friendly route with plastic cups, silverware, and plates so there was minimal cleanup. The cousins got to gabbing in the back room which led my uncle Allan to tell my dad, the two of whom had been blocked into the corner unable to follow our pop-culture/technology conversation to say "Generation gap? Try generation canyon!" My mom also took the opportunity to pretend she had knocked my cousin Amanda's iPhone off the cabinet and shattered into pieces which completely freaked her out. My cousin Alex refused to let us put on 2012 to look for the parts he did the special effects for, but he did tell us about the new movie he's working on, which sounds hilariously awesome.
Now I'm back at work, and it might have calmed down. Today there was only one crisis and it was immediately resolved. Mostly what I've been doing while I'm here is taking pictures like this:
Thrilling, huh?
This morning I actually ran two miles on the treadmill, which might be the most I've ever jogged. I was distracted initially because a guy came into the workout room and talked to me. He asked me where I was from so I said "San Francisco". I mean, close enough. But he immediately asked "Are you gay?" Seriously? How in the world do you think that's clever, funny, or acceptable? Great impression.
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