Oddly, after the trip to Germany my weight is down and has stayed down for the week. While we've been joking about "meat poisoning" at the office since the trip it's more like "meat exhaustion". Since coming back I've been thinking "Ugh, something that used to have legs. Where are the vegetables?"
Unfortunately my eyes have also been itchy since I got back, which I finally remembered today could be a recurrence of my super-attractive occasional affliction of eyebrow dandruff. I can't see it, and the last time my eyes were super itchy the doctor couldn't see anything either, but exfoliating the heck out of them was the cure. I remembered at the time my grandfather mentioning he had eyebrow dandruff once, though his doctor recommended something complicated that involved baby oil and a toothbrush. Apricot scrub works better for me. Since I'm a girl and already exfoliate, I guess.
Today Nathan and I intended to put a vegetable garden in the back yard. While we had disagreed on the amount of soil amendments a vegetable garden would need it turned out to be moot. I had thought the area where the play set used to be would be a great place for a garden. Already walled off, ready to go. Just have to push back the redwood bark and pull back the liner underneath right? Well, the section nearest the house had concrete under the redwood bark, so we moved toward the fence. Concrete under that too. Okay, concrete under the whole play structure. That's weird. Oh well. I thought it would be fine to sacrifice the patch of grass west of the shed. But, strangest of all, there was concrete under the grass! Near as we can figure from Nathan pushing the shovel in the ground all over, most of the backyard and part of the front yard is over concrete!
I'm trying to imagine the sequence of building in the backyard but I just can't do it. I can understand putting a play structure over concrete (the presence of concrete also explains why the redwood chips are so deep). I can understand putting in the RV pad on the other side of the yard, since obviously they had an RV. But grass over concrete? The grass itself might make more sense too if there wasn't a shed smack in the middle of it. What came first - the grass or the shed?
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