Sunday, February 12, 2012

Carnitas? Car-NO-tas!

Every fiber of my being is refusing to eat the carnitas I made in the slow cooker on Tuesday, so I'm trying to quell the loud, internal voice that's telling me not to waste food and actually throw it out.

The voice sounds like my mom.

I think the extreme aversion I get to leftovers when they're nearing their week of fridge time is actually my body trying to avoid food poisoning, so I've been trying to obey that more.

Today was busy. First church, then work for longer than I expected because a reactor was having trouble so I had to move it to a different control station and didn't want to leave until I knew it was doing okay. Yeah, reactors are like pets a lot of the time. Are they happy? Do they need to be fed? Have they pooped themselves to death?

Yesterday was busy too. Nathan took me to see the Bay Model up in Sausalito, which is how they used to figure out water patterns and stuff for the SF Bay before computers were invented. It was very nerdy and very awesome. While the cement topography is only painted blue for water and tan for land they have signs up for cities and I could identify certain coastal features, like the small jetty near my office and the old and new Benicia bridges. However, my lack of geography skillz meant most of my identifications were in the vein of "The Delta? I guess it is really big...I saw a dead cow there once!"

Then on the way back we visited both the Point Bonita lighthouse in the Marin Headlands and the Sutro Bath ruins in San Francisco, which wasn't the type of bathhouse I was thinking of but more of a swimming pool. The ruins were quite picturesque:

They looked very ruined for only having burned down in 1966 but I guess that's what salt water can do.

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