Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oil for Your Oil

In the most counter-intuitive move in my lifetime skincare regimen, I've been smearing cooking oil on my face for a week and have the least acne in recent memory.

It was my sister's doing.  She suggested I try the oil cleansing method, which I guess she had read about when deviating from nail polish research.  I found the relevant websites, but couldn't find the relevant castor oil for the life of me.  Or for the special ordering of me -- if I couldn't find it at CVS or Walgreens it wasn't going to happen.  So I just used olive oil.  Instead of washing my face at night I just smeared my face with olive oil, briefly steamed my face in a hot towel, and then rubbed the oil off with the towel.  Then I rinsed and dried my face for good measure (having forgotten the Internet instructions at that point).

And it works!  At the moment I don't have any active zits and the redness on my chin has calmed down some.  I also think I'm not as greasy at the end of the day.  So overall I'm a fan.

Maybe if this works I can decrease some of the rest of my regimen, since right now I used the oil to replace my night cleanser but I still am using Retin-A at night, benzoyl peroxide soap in the morning, and apricot scrub a few times a week.

My friends Catherine and Karen from Georgia Tech are coming to visit this week, which will be Catherine's first visit out.  I've planned lots of things for us to do and also anticipate plenty of sit around and watch TV time, which we always enjoy.  Like my friends Bonnie and Allison from high school, no matter how long it's been we always have plenty to talk about.  They're people I can just talk with.

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